Now this is what I call a good start!
This test blog has got itself up and running in no time. So now it is upto fellow desmanians to let me know what they think of this activity.. you can comment below to start with .. true blog style ?
So coming back to seriously discussing this new activity. This blog is our window to the world… this is where we plan to “voice” our thoughts, give them shape, get ideas from a round the world and share the fun of creating something that we are all excited about..
but we do have to make sure that we do not share anything that we are not allowed to share ethically ( client info/project information etc) but this should be a platform where we can have discussions on design, products, stuff you and I like, and don’t like… and yes, use a language fitting the image that we are projecting through this blog.. of exuberance, fun and our dead serious attitude towards being design evangelists for the world at large..
The company’s objective of having a living blog is..
1. To establish our presence in web2.0, which is the new generation of internet driven by user generated content. User generated content would mean contributions from you and I.
2. To link up with the thousands of design blogs out there and also connect with individual designers and enthusiasts.
3. The presence of our blog will redirect quite a bit of traffic to our web site due to the “trackbacking” by other blogs where we comment and also by feed trackers like technorati which keeps track of popular blogs and will expose us to people and institutions with similar interests.
4. Last but not the least, to create and evolve a viewpoint that is very Desmania. To be a reference portal on trends and to provide informative posts
Fundamentally, a declaration of change and preparedness for the future.
Let's start a new era of Desmania by participating in this blog. Post your comments and be a part of us.
hi all, now its really a good time to share and talk on design in forum like this. Lets talk about the upcoming trends in India. Just few days back I was in Godrej Nature's Fresh - you all must be aware of that chain, ofcourse I was there to buy some sabji... as usual. this was the first time i entered there, things were really nice and organized and everything communicated there itself, and gradually realized its having a good pattern of orientation which really follows the common trends of marketing style which we all generally follow. i dont know about the other stores, but this one was really having the 'idea' of marketing habit inbuilt in layout design, important communication, and sequence. Please check the stores. I will be visitng the Reliance fresh store also - one more is coming up just next to Godrej. by the way - I stopped buying from outside in market space... and really started loving it!! he he he... keep posting
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